ApacheCon is the official annual conference for all Apache projects and communities. On of our traditional evening events are the LightningTalks, where anyone is welcome to 5 minutes on the stage to speak informally on almost any topic. Beer and refreshments are served, and the 5 minute limit is strictly enforced. We have some technology talks about new projects, but usually our speakers are focused on communities and humorous stories.
Lightning Talk, ApacheCon, Budapest, 2015, Project Listing
Imagine this read in a really fast voice, like the old Federal Express fast talker ads - this is one of my traditional parts of a Lighning Talk, pointing out just how many projects are at Apache!
Zookeeper, Zest, Yetus XML Graphics, XMLBeans, Xerces, Xalan, Wookie, Wink, Wicket, Whimsy, Web Services, VXQuery, Velocity, VCL, UIMA, Tuscany, Turbine, Traffic Server, TomEE, Tomcat, Tiles, Tika, Thrift, Tez, Tcl, Tapestry, Tajo, Syncope, Synapse, Subversion, Struts, Stratos, Storm, STeVe, Stanbol, Sqoop, Spark, SpamAssassin, Sling, SIS, Shiro, Shindig, ServiceMix, Serf, Santuario, Samza, Roller, River, Rave, Qpid, Portals, POI, Pivot, Pig, Phoenix, Perl, PDFBox, Parquet, Orc, OpenWebBeans, OpenOffice, OpenNLP, OpenMeetings, OpenJPA, Open Climate Workbench, Oozie, OODT, Onami, Oltu, Olingo, OFBiz, ODE, Nifi, Nutch, MyFaces, MRUnit, MINA, MetaModel, Mesos, Maven, Marmotta, ManifoldCF, Mahout, Lucy, Lucene.Net, Lucene, Logging, Libcloud, Lens, Knox, Karaf, Kafka, jUDDI, JSPWiki, JMeter, Jena, jclouds, James, Jackrabbit, Ignite, Isis, HttpComponents, Hive, Helix, HBase, Hama, Hadoop, Gump, Gora, Giraph, Geronimo, Forrest, Flume, Flink, Flex, Felix, Falcon, Etch, Empire-db, Drill, Directory, DeviceMap, DeltaSpike, DB, CXF, Curator, cTAKES, Crunch, Creadur, CouchDB, Cordova, Continuum, Commons, Cocoon, CloudStack, Clerezza, Chukwa, Chemistry, Celix, Cayenne, Cassandra, Camel, BVal, Buildr, BookKeeper, Bloodhound, Bigtop, Axis, Avro, Aurora, Aries, Archiva, APR, Any23, Ant, Ambari, Allura, Airavata, ActiveMQ, ACE, Accumulo, Abdera, HTTP Server